Post by Koalani on Mar 15, 2021 15:55:05 GMT 2
Post by Koalani on Mar 22, 2021 14:47:25 GMT 2
Post by Koalani on Mar 24, 2021 0:31:09 GMT 2
Covid ja rokote on 100% puhdistettu ja rokotteen saaneiden sielut ovat Valossa!
Post by Koalani on Apr 12, 2021 20:56:16 GMT 2
Post by Koalani on Apr 15, 2021 23:44:28 GMT 2
Nyt me saatiin oikeus siihen, että vastarokotettujen sielut menevät suoraan Valoon!
Post by Koalani on Apr 21, 2021 18:50:12 GMT 2
Post by Koalani on Apr 27, 2021 16:59:09 GMT 2
Post by Koalani on Apr 29, 2021 15:20:33 GMT 2
Post by Koalani on May 1, 2021 15:06:45 GMT 2
Gov. Whitmer declares the entire state of Michigan to be a vaccine prison camp In a move that smacks the Third Reich and the Holocaust, Michigan Gov. Whitmer, a malicious criminal and anti-American traitor, has just turned the entire state of Michigan into a vaccine prison camp. She has declared that gunpoint-enforced lockdowns will not end until up to 70 percent of the state's adults surrender to being injected with a deadly depopulation bioweapon called a "covid vaccine." Under this tyrannical, illegal rule, the only way the people of Michigan can see their freedoms restored is to agree to be injected with a dangerous, experimental, gene-altering medical intervention that's already killing people by the thousands, all across the world. www.brighteon.com/166a1994-b703-4dcb-a7b7-e487aac7efde
Post by Koalani on May 1, 2021 18:59:41 GMT 2
Post by Koalani on May 7, 2021 21:54:43 GMT 2
Meet your automated, totalitarian medical police state future: Robots and drones force the vax Imagine a fleet of CDC drones hovering near your home, sniffing the air for "covid particles" by using on-board PCR testing equipment. Using a CT setting of 45, the drones report that your front porch "tests positive" for covid, yet there's no record that you have a vaccine passport at your reported address, recorded in a government database. Within seconds, an AI-powered cyborg humanoid robot arrives at your address in a driverless vehicle. It walks to your front door, knocks aggressively and announces in a robotic voice, "This is the CDC rapid response team. Have you been vaccinated?" This is the future envisioned by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, as described in a new report entitled, "Technologies to Address Global Catastrophic Biological Risks." Today we cover this astonishing report and how criminally insane doctors and medical tyrants want to deploy cyborgs to force vaccines and quarantines on everyone. www.brighteon.com/94d2afed-7521-43d9-8d90-73c9b33e49a8
Post by Koalani on May 14, 2021 19:31:25 GMT 2
How to outsmart the doomed death cult masses who now surround us The masses walking around society today have become a death cult of lunatics who believe a long list of insane, self-destructive things, such as the big lie that vaccines will make people "safe" from covid. (In truth, they actually make people far more susceptible to the next wave of variants and infections...) The death cult has become incredibly popular, and its members are constantly trying to recruit new people into the cult. To be a member, all you have to do is be an obedient, mindless zombie: Wear a mask, get vaccinated, obey Fauci and turn off your brain. About half of America (or maybe more) is happy to join the death cult. But our job is to survive it and be the ones left standing over the next five years. In today's podcast, I reveal how dangerous this death cult has become and how to save others from this cult while preparing your own survival against the zombies. www.brighteon.com/3ca58c96-530e-4b37-89f4-bf7c111aedc6
Post by Koalani on May 26, 2021 15:34:34 GMT 2
Superparamagnetic nanoparticles delivered via vaccines - published science exposes it all If you've seen any of the recent videos of magnets sticking to people's arms after they've been vaccinated, you might be wondering: Are there magnetic nanoparticles in those vaccines? A study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2014 proves that "superparamagnetic nanoparticles" are successfully delivered into the body via vaccines, and once in the body, they can be used to inject DNA into cells, altering their genetics. The study is entitled Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine. In today's Situation Update podcasts, we cover this shocking technology which can also use external magnetic fields to control the magnetic nanoparticles that insert DNA into your cells. www.brighteon.com/378d5d4c-fe49-4737-b99f-03de11e3120c
Post by Koalani on May 27, 2021 18:41:40 GMT 2
Vaccine tourists flock to America to receive vaccine death shots (and other news) Today's podcast covers a multitude of topics, including "vaccine tourism" where people from Mexico and even Taiwan are flocking to the United States to get free death shots that are misleadingly labeled "vaccines." They obviously don't realize that even in America, the vaccines are engineered as depopulation weapons to exterminate the human race through infertility and spike protein deaths. Thus, the very people who think they're picking up "freebies" from America are about to find out they're dead wrong. Literally. Today we've returned to a single podcast format, and we cover all sorts of insane breaking news including Japan's targeting of the elderly and Canada's bribing of children with ice cream, in order to coerce them into getting vaccinated without their parents' consent. www.brighteon.com/10b12a1b-df34-4aa3-ae03-75f72eee75de
Post by Koalani on May 27, 2021 23:25:19 GMT 2
Nyt meillä on saatu oikeus, että ne, jotka ovat myyneet sielunsa ottamalla pedon merkin, puhdistuvat noin 3 kuukaudessa, jos he siis eivät kuole ensin. Toisin sanoen heidän covid-sielunsa puhdistetaan ja siitä tulee valoisa. Se riippuu tapauksesta, kuinka kauan se vie. Tämä ei tietenkään merkitse, että saa ottaa rokote...